COVID-19 Resource Page
COVID-19; Resources for Geriatric Mental Health Care Professionals 
Quick Nav:
International Resources
IPA Members
National Organizations
Published Papers
International Resources:
- World Health Organization (WHO):
- Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI):
- Alzheimer Europe:
- brainXchange: Ethical guidance for people who work in long-term care: What is the right thing to do in a pandemic?
- Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative (GeMRC): Covid-19: A panspecialty international project to determine point of care predictors from routinely collected data
- International Fact-Checking Network: Current information on COVID-19/ coronavirus disinformation, hoaxes and scams
- International Long Term Care Policy Network: Resources to support community and institutional Long-Term Care responses to COVID-19
- Lancet Psychiatry/ Mental Health Innovation Network/ United for Global Mental Health: Webinar series
- United Nations (UN):
- World Economic Forum: COVID and Ageing Society: Long term Care Facilities | Highlights (video)
- World Psychiatric Association (WPA):
IPA members
- Global Perspectives curated from IPA Bulletin Editors:
- Dr. M. Blezer; Development "Toolkit Palliative Care COVID-19 Patients at Home", thanks to transmural cooperation: Link to Article
- Dr. Kueiâ€Yu Liang; How to live with COVIDâ€19 pandemic: Taiwan experience: Link to Article
- Professor Nahathai Wongpakaran; How COVID-READY guidelines help healthcare providers evaluate psychological coping strategies among older adults: Thai perspectives: Link to Article
- Dr. Clarissa Giebel; Coronavirus and dementia: Link to Article
- Dr. Jorge Cuevas-Esteban; Psychopharmacological options for psychotic disorders in elderly people on treatment for SARS-COv 2 infection: Link to Article
- Professor Shinobu Kawakatsu; Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and psychogeriatric issues in Japan: Link to Article
- Dr. Marianne Soueidi & Dr. Rita Khoury; Social Isolation During COVID-19: Impact on Seniors: Link to Article
- Dr. Hannah Marston & Dr. Deborah Morgan; The role technology & social media play during COVID-19 pandemic: Link to Article
- Dr. Laura Valzolgher & Dr. Patrick Franzoni; Repercussions on health and social care in the time of COVID: isolation of elderly people. Reports from my regional hospital in Bolzano, Italy: Link to Article
- Dr. Tao Li & Professor Huali Wang; Mental health and psychosocial support for older adults during COVID-19 in China: Perspectives of non-medical service providers: Link to Article
- Dr. Thomas Dening:
- Grief and fear after a Covid-19 death: Managing a double trauma: Link to Article
- New Mental Health Service for NHS Staff Dealing With COVID-19: Link to Article
- Dr. Mariana Figueiro;
- Working from Home: Link to Article with Video
- How To Use Light To Reduce Depression and Anxiety — and Sleep Better — During This Pandemic: Link to Article
- Dr. Brent Forester;
- Meeting behavioral health needs of seniors during COVID-19: Link to Article
- COVID-19, loneliness and anxiety in the elderly: Link to Article
- Dr. Clarissa Giebel; New dementia study to explore impact of COVID-19 social services cuts: Link to Article
- Dr. Venu Gopal Jhanwar; Psychiatrist Doctor Venu Gopal Jhanwar Wrote Poem On Coronavirus In Varanasi: Link to Article
- Dr. Andrea Iaboni; Ethical guidance for people who work in long-term care: What is the right thing to do in a pandemic?: Link to Toolkit
- Dr. Dilip Jeste;
- The pandemic has amplified ageism. ‘It’s open season for discrimination’ against older adults: Link to Article
- Loneliness Persists Even When Older Adults Live in Social Environments: Link to Article
- Coronavirus Self-Quarantine Will Likely Exacerbate Elderly Isolation: Link to Article
- Dr. Gary Kennedy;
- For Seniors, COVID-19 Sets Off A Pandemic Of Despair: Link to Article
- ‘I Like It, Actually’: Why So Many Older People Thrive in Lockdown: Link to Article
- How Pets Can Be True Lifesavers for Seniors: Link to Article
- Dr. Tomás León; Manual de Buenas Prácticas para el Diagnóstico de la Demancia: Link to Resources
- Dr. Pablo Lopez; Higiene del sueño y alimentación durante el aislamiento: Link to Video
- Dr. Robert Madan; Top 5 Tips for Maintaining Psychological Wellness during COVID-19: Link to Article
- Dr. Clifford Singer;
- 8 Ways to Sleep Better During an Anxiety Filled Pandemic: Link to Article
- How to Help Older Adults Fight Loneliness During COVID-19: Link to Article
- Professor Huali Wang (produced by ADI); Dementia Care during the COVID-19 Outbreak: Link to Video Presentation
- Dr. Phyllis Zee;
- Can lack of sleep make you sick? Experts weigh in: Link to Article
- Get a better night’s sleep and don’t let coronavirus concerns run down your immune system: Link to Article
National Organizations:
English Language
- Alliance for Aging Research: Common Questions and Answers About COVID-19 For Older Adults and People With Chronic Health Conditions
- Alzheimer's Association: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers
- American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP): COVID-19: We Must Care for Older Adults’ Mental Health
- American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA):
- British Geriatrics Society (BGS): Coronavirus and older people
- Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP): COVID-19 related resources
- Canadian Geriatrics Society: COVID-19 Resources
- Canadian Government: COVID-19: Resources for seniors and their caregivers
- Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC): Symptom Management and Communication Needs To Be Focus
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
- Main COVID-19 resource page
- Information for Healthcare Professionals
- Resources for Clinics and Healthcare Facilities
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update and Information for Long-term Care Facilities (webinar)
- Guidance Documents
- Preparing for COVID-19: Long-term Care Facilities, Nursing Homes
- Stress and Coping
- What older adults need to know (video on YouTube)
- Loneliness can directly impair immune system, increase risk of death: study
- Dementia UK/ R&RA: Helping families keep in touch during COVID-19
- Health Innovation Network (South London, UK): Activities for Older Adults During COVID19-A guide to online resources for those providing care for people with dementia
- Mayo Clinic: COVID-19 resources
- National Council on Aging (NCOA): COVID-19 resources
- US Department of Justice: Combatting Coronavirus Fraud
- US Internal Revenue Service: IRS issues warning about Coronavirus-related scams; watch out for schemes tied to economic impact payments
- Royal College of Nursing:
- COVID-19 (coronavirus)
- NursingStandard: COVID-19 Resources for Nurses
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
Spanish Language
- BID mejorando vidas/ Fundación INECO/ GBHI/ GERO, et al: Manual de Buenas Prácticas para el Diagnóstico de la Demancia
- Fundación INECO:
- Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría (SEPG): Guía Sobre la Prevención y el Control de la Infección Residencias de Larga Estancia en el contexto del COVID-19
- Dementiezorg voor Elkaar: Praatplaat en online cursus over contact houden met dierbaren
- Cambridge Core: Now more than 700 articles in their Coronavirus Free Access Collection
- Elsevier: Novel Coronavirus Information Center
- Springer
- SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: related research articles from Springer's journals
- Live blog on all aspects of coronavirus
- Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative (GeMRC): Covid-19: A panspecialty international project to determine point of care predictors from routinely collected data
- Geriatric Nursing: Covid-19 Lessons Learned From the Voices of Our Geriatric Nurses: Leadership, Resilience, and Heroism
- Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians: COVID-19 in JACEP Open
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: COVID-19 Collection
- World Health Organization (WHO): Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Published Papers
- International Psychogeriatrics (IPA's Journal) -
- Editorial: Coronavirus, social distancing, and global geriatric mental health crisis: opportunities for promoting wisdom and resilience amid a pandemic
- Editorial: Facing the change together: reflections of coping and resilience from American geriatric psychiatrists during COVID-19
- Effect of COVID-19 on the mental health care of older people in Canada
- Coronavirus epidemic and geriatric mental healthcare in China: how a coordinated response by professional organizations helped older adults during an unprecedented crisis
- How Taiwan prevented the outbreak of COVID-19: a focus on psychological strategies and measures
- COVID-19 pandemic and mental health care of older adults in India
- COVID-19 and mental health of older adults in the Philippines: a perspective from a developing country
- COVID-19 and psychogeriatrics: the view from Australia
- The impact of COVID-19 on mental health in the Hispanic Caribbean region
- The fight against COVID-19: a report from the Italian trenches
- COVID-19 and mental health among older people in Sweden
- Impact of COVID-19 on mental healthcare of older adults: insights from Lebanon (Middle East)
- Burden of COVID-19 on mental health of older adults in a fragile healthcare system: the case of Nigeria: dealing with inequalities and inadequacies
- COVID-19 and mental health of older Africans: an urgency for public health policy and response strategy
- COVID-19 Health Worries and Anxiety Symptoms among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Ageism
- Psychogeriatrics in a World with COVID-19
- Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and geropsychiatric care for older adults: a view from Turkey
- Impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on mental health in the elderly: perspective from a psychogeriatric clinic at a tertiary hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Psychogeriatric research during COVID-19 pandemic: qualitative analysis of participant views
- The behavioral pattern of patients with frontotemporal dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 in Spain. Coming back to the “New normality” after two months of confinement
- Advocacy for the human rights of older people in the COVID pandemic and beyond: a call to mental health professionals
- The effects of the COVID-19 virus on mental healthcare for older people in The Netherlands
- Elderly Suicides in India: An Emerging Concern during COVID-19 Pandemic
- Mental health of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from history to guide our future
- Mental health of people living with dementia in care homes during COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 Pandemic: A multinational report providing professional experiences in the management of mental health of elderly
- Old Age Psychiatry Services in the UK responding to COVID-19
- Loneliness and Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Psychological well-being among older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak: A comparative study of the young-old and the old-old adults
- Social Work, Mental Health, Older People and Covid19
- Alzheimer's and Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Research Enterprise in the Era of COVIDâ€19/SARSâ€CoVâ€2
- The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry:
- The BMJ Opinion: The effects of isolation on the physical and mental health of older adults
- The Gerontologist: The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lived Experience of Diverse Older Adults Living Alone With Cognitive Impairment
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society:
- Journal of Gerontological Nursing: Public Health and Ethics Intersect at New Levels With Gerontological Nursing in COVID-19 Pandemic
- Journal of Gerontological Social Work: Geriatric Care during Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
- The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging: COVID-19 and Older Adult
- Journal of Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations
- Lancet:
- Neurology:
- Swiss Medical Weekly: COVID-19 pandemic: palliative care for elderly and frail patients at home and in residential and nursing homes