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2023 Call for Nominations: IPA Board of Directors


Candidate Materials Due 21 December 2023

Nominations are currently being accepted for the Board of Directors of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA). The Board of Directors guides IPA, positioning it as a world leader in the field of psychogeriatrics.
Members of the Board:

  • Determine the future of IPA
  • Oversee current IPA events and initiatives
  • Evaluate proposals for new programs and services
  • Promote membership growth
  • Expand IPA’s relationships with industry and other associations
  • Represent the interests of all IPA members

General Information

The International Psychogeriatric Association is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 11-15 members. In addition to the five officer positions, there are six to ten additional Directors. Each Director is elected by the voting membership to a four-year term. Directors are eligible to serve a maximum of two terms.

In order to encourage geographic diversity, no more than two members of the Board of Directors may be from each country. Due to the current makeup of the Board, only one candidate may be elected from each of the following countries: Australia, Dominican Republic, India, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States. Currently all seats are filled for Canada and The Netherlands. Up to two candidates may be elected from all other countries.

There are  seats open for election on the Board of Directors. Those elected to these seats will serve a term from 2024-2028. The term begins and ends following the International Congress in the fall of each year.  All persons seeking to run for the Board of Directors must be current members of IPA.

Board of Directors Responsibilities

Members elected to the IPA Board of Directors are expected to:

  • Attend all Board meetings via video conference call and participate by preparing for and contributing to the meeting. In addition Board members are expected to attend at two in-person IPA meetings per year. Board members receive $2,500 in travel funds to attend the Board meetings.
  • Actively dedicate a minimum of 40 additional hours per year to leading IPA.
  • Contribute to policy and strategy development and decision-making.
  • Participate on committees or task forces when appropriate and assigned.
  • Advance the mission, vision, and goals of IPA in their country.
  • Encourage colleagues to become IPA members.
  • Advise the Board of Directors on matters of importance within their country and region.
  • Serve as a liaison with organizations similar to IPA in their country and region in order to develop mutually beneficial relationships and affiliation to IPA.
  • Expand IPA’s relationships with Pharma and New Markets.
  • Maintain membership in good standing by regularly paying dues.

For more information on the materials needed for nomination, please download this form.


Any materials received after this date cannot be accepted.


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