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Raimundo Mateos

Raimundo Mateos, MD, PhD, Spain
Past President

Raimundo Mateos received his medical degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1978. Thereafter he began his training period as a Psychiatrist in the University Hospital of Santiago. During his postgraduate training period, Dr. Mateos was thoroughly prepared as a psycho-dramatist (psychotherapist endorsed by the Spanish Federation of Psychotherapists´ Societies) and had research training in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology—Institute of Psychiatry (London).

In 1987 he earned his PhD with the Project “Community Psychiatric-Epidemiological Study on Galicia”; from that time on Psychiatric Epidemiology became the main topic of his research activities, which have become increasingly focused on psychogeriatrics. In 1991, after training in several British Psycho-Geriatrics Centres that included Professor Tom Arie’s Service, in Nottingham-he was appointed Coordinator of the Psycho-Geriatrics Unit of the Santiago de Compostela Area. This interdisciplinary unit for community medical care evolved into a reference for Psycho-Geriatric care development in Galicia and Spain.

Dr. Mateos conducted several epidemiological community surveys to measure the prevalence of mental disorders among senior citizens and assess the needs of those suffering psychiatric disorders and their caretakers. The data for these surveys was gathered from large, representative samples of Galicians.

Dr. Mateos collaborates with many pre- and post-graduate training programs in psychogeriatrics which are held in Spain and Europe. He has been an active organizer of many training initiatives, including the annual meeting and Congress of the Spanish Psycho-Geriatrics Society. The combination of Dr. Mateos’ academic and clinical responsibilities and his willingness to undertake new welfare experiences, have led to his position as the Coordinator of the Task Force of the Sociedad Española de Gerontopsiquiatría y Psicogeriatría (SEGP), addressing the availability of psychogeriatric resources in Spain.

Prof. Mateos is a member of: Sociedad Española de Gerontopsiquiatría y Psicogeriatría (SEGP), Sociedade Galega de Xerontoloxía e Xeriatría (SGXX) (Spain), Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, and the European Association of Geriatric Psychiatry (EAGP).

Prof. Dr. Mateos has been a member of IPA since 1992, and was elected to the IPA Board of Directors in 2003.


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